When I just got back to Malaysia, I was experiencing reverse culture shock.
1. 運転 Driving
It could be because I did not drive in Japan, I find that driving in Malaysia is madness.

I almost got into an accident thrice the day after I got back from Japan.
In Japan, the drivers are so polite to each other.
In Malaysia, the way people drives is like fighting on the road. That’s why it is more dangerous driving in Malaysia than in Japan.
2. 生活費 Living expenses

The living expenses in Japan are probably one of the highest in the world.
That’s why, when I got back in Malaysia, I was quite happy that I do not need to spend that much anymore.
For instance,
A watermelon is around RM 7 (200 yen) where a normal size watermelon can reach RM 38 (1000 yen) in Japan.
3. 安全感 Sense of security
When I was in Japan, I can leave my belongings on the table and pay the washroom a visit without being worried of my stuffs being stolen.
In Malaysia, no matter where you are, it’s better to keep everything with you, even if you wanna leave for a few seconds.
In Japan, the toilet is extremely clean.

Besides, they have toilet papers in every cubicle.
This however, we do not have toilet papers at all in most of the toilets.
There was once that I had to drive myself back to my hostel from the library just to poop because I did not have tissue papers with me.
5. 握手 Hand Shaking

I got so used to the Japanese style where I bow whenever I meet a person for the first time.
When I got back to USM, the International students whom I met for the first time, wanting to shake my hand, I did not do that, instead, I bowed.

I maintained minimal body contact with everyone during the 1st month after I got back from Japan.
6. 静寂 Tranquility

In Japan, the only crowds whom make a lot of noises are high school girls, be it in a train or in restaurants.

Thereby, you can have a piece of your quiet moments in restaurants.
However, no matter where you go, it is very noisy in Malaysia.